Dear clients and friends:

On October 3, 2024, the “Decree adding a fourth paragraph to article 61 Sexies of the Tourism Law of Mexico City” was published in the Mexico City Gazette; Article 36 Bis is added to the Housing Law for Mexico City”; through which a maximum occupancy coefficient of 50% per year is established for accommodation units registered on digital platforms.

In accordance with the Housing Law for Mexico City, units of eventual tourist stay through digital platforms must be registered by the “hosts” in the Host Registry and in which each of the properties intended for to provide the aforementioned service.

However, prior to the reform published on October 3 of this year, the Law did not contemplate a limit on the period in which hosts could rent registered properties; However, as of October 4, 2024 – the date it came into force –, article 36 Bis of the Housing Law for Mexico City was modified, to the effect that the registration indicated in the previous paragraph, to those properties that have had an occupancy of more than 50% of the nights of the year.

Adicionalmente, señala que, en el supuesto de requerir ofertar por más periodos largos, se estará a lo dispuesto en la Ley de Establecimientos Mercantiles para la Ciudad de México.

Si bien la reforma menciona que tiene como objetivo equilibrar la competencia entrealojamientos turísticos de corta estancia y los hoteles tradicionales, es decir, regular el mercado de alquileres vacacionales, mitigando la competencia desleal con el sector hotelero tradicional; a nuestro juicio, esta nueva disposición, ciertamente, puede ser impugnada en los tribunales por inconstitucional,

Como siempre, estamos a sus órdenes para analizar los efectos que en lo particular pudiera tener la aplicación de las disposiciones anteriores.